English – brief information about me and my activities

urriculum Vitae

  • born 1950 (near Aachen … at the German Dutch border)
  • 1956 – 1968: Primary and high school
  • 1968 – 1974: Military service (air force communications officer; teacher at air force academy)
  • 1974 – 1979: University education (sociology, psychology, political science)
  • 1984: PhD in sociology; 1990: second PhD (Habilitation)
  • 1979 – 1994: Lecturer/Assistant professor/Researcher (DFG Special Research Units „Labour Market and Occupation Theory“ and „Future Developments of Work“)
  • 1994 – 9/2015: Full professor (Industrial Sociology and Sociology of Technology at Technische Universität Chemnitz)
  • from 10/2015: Freelance sociological author, speaker, consultant; intensivation of my longtime sozialdocumentary photographic work

Further Interests/Activities

Main Topics and Concepts of Sociological Research

  • „conduct of everyday life“: changes of work-life balance and a concept on nearly everything in your life …
  • „from employee to entreployee“: a fundamental new form of work force and what it means for subjectivity in society …
  • „blurring boundaries“ and „subjectivation“: structural changes of work, future of capitalism and psychosocial consequences …
  • „working customers“: on the way to a new relation of production and consumption in society, an emerging new type of consumer …
  • „robots and their humans“: on the coming subjectivation of machines and whether we need a renaissance of men as  „Lebendiges Naturwesen“ (living natural beeing) …
  • „working users“: users of digital divices as producers of a fundamental new sort of economic valuable raw material in the emergence of „surveillance capitalism“ (Zuboff)

Selected Publications in English

  • Voß, G, Günter (2021): Towards a Contemporary Theorization of Work. In: Global Dialogue 3. Online
  • Pongratz, Hans J.; Voß, G. Günter (2003): From employee to entreployee: Towards a self-entrepreneurial work force? In: Concepts and Transformation 8 (3), S. 239-254.
  • Kleemann, Frank; Voß, G. Günter; Rieder, Kerstin (2008): Un(der)paid Innovators: The Commercial Utilization of Consumer Work through Crowdsourcing. In: Science, Technology & Innovation Studies, 4 (1). http://www.sti-studies.de, S. 5-26.
  • Rieder, Kerstin; Voß, G. Günter (2010): The Working Customer – an Emerging New Type of Consumer. In: Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns/ Psychology of Everday Activity 3 (2), S. 1-10.
  • Hornung, Sabine; Kleemann, Frank; Voß, G. Günter (2011): Managing a New Consumer Culture: „Working Consumers“ in Web 2.0 as a Source of Corporate Feedback. In: Volker Wittke und Heidi Hanekop (Hg.): New Forms of Collabroative Innovation and Production on the Internet. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, S. 131-152.
  • Haubl, Rolf; Voß, G. Günter (Hg.) (2012): Risk Factors for Work Quality and Mental Health: Current findings and initial conclusions. Kassel: Kassel University Press (Positionen). http://www.upress.uni-kassel.de/katalog/abstract.php?978-3-89958-588-9
  • Rieder, Kerstin; Voß, G. Günter (2013): Customers at Work. A Fundamental Change in Service Work. In: Wolfgang Dunkel und Frank Kleemann (Hg.): Customers at work. New perspectives on interactive service work. London: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 177-196.
  • Jurczyk, Karin; Voß, G. Günter; Weihrich, Margit (2015): Conduct of Everyday Life in Subject-Oriented Sociology: Concept and Empirical Research. In: Ernst Schraube und Charlotte Hajholt (Hg.): Psychology and the conduct of everyday life: Routledge, S. 34-64.

more: complete list of publications – download here.

more: Interested in my photographic actitivities? Have a look here.

more: Imprint and data/privacy protection (german) – please look here.